Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions about the template, please feel free to contact us via or the
contact form. Thanks very much!
This documentation presents information how to install and use this theme. You can always find the latest version of this documentation
About the theme
Flypage can be used as a landing page or a simple blogging WordPress theme.
Feel free to create your own website with this finished template.
Containing more than 5 different layouts. Flypage WordPress theme can be used for landing page websites or for any other types of websites, just use your imagination
and you can build with it alomest anything.
Use Theme Options and Shortcodes to customize your website.
The user friendly WordPress interface will help and guide you through to build a fully working and clean website.
Flypage has a clean and minimalistic design which helps you to create an awesome and powerful project.
The whole template was built based on the latest standards and recommendations. Flypage theme is powered by
Unyson (WordPress framework) and
Twitter Bootstrap v3 (the most popular front-end framework).
It means that it will be easier for you to do the changes and to increase its possibilities, thanks to many plugins it possesses.
If you're planning to build a website using WordPress with flypage theme, you must first ensure your hosting provider
meets WP's and our theme requirements.
MySQL version 5.5 or greater
PHP version 5.3.1 or greater (available from November 2009)
PHP5 GD library
Memory limit set up at least 64MB
Enabled mod_rewrite in Apache for clean URLs (friendly URL)
Please make sure that you are using the latest version of WordPress before you install flypage theme. You can find the information on how to install WordPress in WordPress Support (Codex).
Upload theme files
You have two ways to upload Flypage theme files:
Upload theme by WordPress upload function
Login to your WordPress admin account (
Click Appearance›Themes and go to Add New.
Click Upload Theme, browse your files and find and (make sure you are not uploading the whole .zip file that you've downloaded from Themeforest).
Click Install Now.
After Flypage theme is uploaded, click Activate flypage-child.
Upload Flypage files to your server via FTP
Unpack the theme .zip file ( you have downloaded.
Upload the /flypage-child and /flypage-parent folder (not: "flypage Files") to the /wp-content/themes/ directory in your WordPress installation on your server.
Login to your WordPress admin account (
Click Appearance›Themes.
Look for the flypage-child theme and click Activate.
Theme activation
After theme activation you must follow next steps.
Download and activate the required plugins
Download Unyson framework's extensions
If something goes wrong, go to Unyson page and install them
Import Content
It is possible to import Flypage demo content to your WordPress website based on Flypage WP Theme.
Note: To appear "Demo Content Install" page in your menu, you need to copy demo-content folder from your archive in: wp-content\themes\flypage-parent\
Demo Content
If you want to use our content you have to go to Tools›Demo Content Install page
Theme Options
After the theme is installed, a new menu page called Appearance›Theme Settings will appear on the bottom left of your WordPress administration area.
The Theme Options Panel is divided into several sections:
Menu Top
Main menu (Top Menu) is located in in the header area at the top of website.
It is a group of navigation links for your visitors to find the important parts of your site faster.
Menu is responsive and in mobile devices becomes right slide menu.
If you did not set "navigation menu" after theme activation you can set it in Appearance›Menus. Here you can also make a new menu or edit an existing item.
If you want to create new Primary Menu, you have to click "create a new menu" in top bar.
After that you have to write new "menu name" and click Create Menu.
After that you can add Pages, Categories and/or Posts to Menu structure, and you have to check "Primary Navigation" and click Save menu. Now Top Menu is ready and you can see it on front side.
If you want to create an item in menu that is not a link you can add "Links" with URL "#" and your custom name. You can add this Link to the menu and make it a parent for some regular Pages. Thanks to this your link will be in the main menu and after clicking it, the user can see "sub-pages" of it.
Parent Page can be also regular Page, but then "sub-pages" in menu will be visible after cursor hover.
To sum up, if you want to create drop-down menu after clicking event you need to use parent as Link with "#" URL and if you want to create drop-down menu after hovering event you have to make menu only out of regular elements (Pages, Posts, Projects etc.).
Not a link parent element to drop-down sub-menu, step #1Not a link parent element to drop-down sub-menu, step #2Not a link parent element to drop-down sub-menu - result
In WordPress, you can write Posts or Pages. Pages are static. They are a good way to publish information that does not change much, like an "About us" page. Pages live outside of the normal blog chronology. Pages are not associated with a date/time like Posts, nor can you tag or categorize a page.
You can use Pages to organize and manage any content. In addition to the frequently used "About us" and "Contact us" pages, you can add other examples of common pages including "Copyright", "Disclosure", "Legal Information", "Reprint Permissions", "Company Information", and "Accessibility Statement".
The theme comes with the following Page templates:
Default Template
Regular template with sidebars (Appearance›Widgets).
Visual Builder Template
Full Width Page Template for theme visual builder.
The seo settings after page content can be edited in Unyson page , Seo Extension, its compatible with this theme but not
Home Page
Settings›Reading›Front page displays›Front Page.
Portfolio post type is usually used to present your works and projects.
Portfolio Posts consist of many elements. It has a gallery upload option which give you the possibility to
upload many images for your project.
Projects Posts
If you want to add a Project Post to Project Category you have to go to:
Portfolio›Add New.
Posts are entries on your Blog that are shown in a reverse chronological order on the front page of your Blog. While using our theme, thanks to WordPress Posts, you can create a typical Blog or news about your company.
If you do not know how to write a Post look for additional information on one of many websites which will help you with it, for example WordPress Codex.
A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that allows you to get an attractive elements with almost no effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects easily instead of using a complicated code.
Adding Shortcodes
Each shortcode are similar in use an they can be added very easy by clicking on them or dragging them in the content. The difference between them
are the options provided. Each shortcode have different options with deatailed description
If you want to add a shortcode element you have to:
It is a specific content that you can add to the sidebars on your website.
In our theme you can add widgets to the right, left sidebars and to the footer.
They can be easily added, rearranged and removed by dragging it to the chosen place in Appearance›Widgets.
In our theme you can easily add as many sidebars as you want for any page.
How to Add a Sidebar to a Page or Blog Post
Novice tutorials require no prior knowledge of any specific web programming language.
This theme comes with a special built in sidebar module that will let you add different sidebars to different pages. Follow these steps in order to add a new sidebar to a page or blog post:
Go to Appearance > Widgets and find the sidebar manager on the lower right hand side of the page.
Lets add a new sidebar to a specific blog post. In order to do that, select the For Specific Pages tab.
Select Blog Post from the list and type to search the blog post you want to set a new sidebar for. You can add multiple posts if you want.
Select the position of your sidebar.
Create a new sidebar (or select an existing one from the list).
Press the Add Sidebar button in order to create your new sidebar.
Add widgets in your newly created sidebar.
By clicking on the widget you want from the left hand side
By dragging & dropping the widget in the sidebar placeholder
Done. No need to save, this page automatically saves it self as you go along.
Custom Widgets
In Flypage theme we prepared the style of the default WordPress widgets and we added our custom widgets:
Widget lets you display a images from Instagram in sidebar.
Widget lets you display your recent, popular and most commented posts.
Login Form
Widget lets you login from frontend.
Contact Forms
Flypage use Contact Form Extension from Unyson.
Add a contact form to any page by adding the Contact Form Shortcode via de Visual Page Builder.
Adding the contact form shortcode to a page
Go to Pages > All Pages
Create a new page or click on an existing page that is already created
Click on the Contact Form shortcode in order to add a new contact form to your page
Creating the contact form
Click on the Contact Form Shortcode added to the page and this will open a pop up with the Contact Options
To get the Contct Form 7 shortcode you must create one
This you will have on the frontend
Flypage comes with unlimited color schemes, and the possibilitty to change theme fonts(Appearence›Theme Settings›Styling Tab)